Tuesday, 30 October 2012


I've mentioned before that at work, a couple of us use a room set aside for fifteen minutes every day to pray. Usually, I'm the first to enter and the last to leave - Mincha (the Jewish afternoon prayer service) - just takes that long, including donning my tallit, or prayer shawl, worn, in the Sephardic or southern European tradition at morning and afternoon prayers (as opposed to the Ashkenazi or Central European tradition, where it is worn only during the morning (Shacharit) prayers). But today, I arrived just as my Muslim friend was taking off his shoes, and took off my tallis just as he was finishing up. Coincidence? No doubt. But we did share a chuckle over it.


  1. dont use the room when your just skiving. you arent paid to pray

    1. You obviously aren't aware of how seriously I take my religion. Or my job. Or how much I detest sanctimoniousness.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.
